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XXV RedLAC Congress: Safeguards an opportunity for inclusive conservation

The Network of Latin American and Caribbean Environmental Fund (RedLAC) environmental fund network comprises 27 delegations from 19 countries. Since 1999, the RedLAC has been dedicated to promoting the interrelationships of Environmental Funds in the LAC region through capacity-building and knowledge management initiatives that favor the conservation of biodiversity and sustainable development in the region. Contributing to the management of more than 900 protected natural areas in the region.

On the second day of the XXV RedLAC Congress, thematic panels were held. WWF participated in the Environmental and Social Safeguards event, sharing the experience: “Design and implementation of social and environmental standards in the Amazon from indigenous peoples with a gender perspective” with Cinthia Mongylardi, Governance and Safeguards Coordinator as a speaker.

During the presentation, the experience of the MDE Saweto project was presented. The project was executed from 2015 to 2021 with the technical support of WWF-Peru and implemented under the leadership of a National Steering Committee (CDN). A committee that brought together AIDESEP (Interethnic Association for the Development of the Peruvian Jungle) and CONAP (Confederation of Amazonian Nationalities of Peru), with financing from the World Bank's FIP.

This is the story that marked a before and after in WWF. The way of working in WWF Peru was an inspiration for the subsequent development in 2019 of the WWF Safeguards System.

During the presentation, Cinthia highlighted that “WWF Peru is working to implement a safeguards system as a tool of opportunities that allows improving the living conditions of the local and indigenous population. Also, it helps generate an equitable relationship with local partners and beneficiary populations. In addition, it develops affirmative actions to promote gender equality. These strategies mitigate risks in the intervention and innovate strategies and empower local actors and beneficiaries.”

The implementation of safeguards allows the interests and concerns of local populations and indigenous peoples to be heard proactively. They strengthen their productive activities in a sustainable way based on their customs and traditions, and develop food security initiatives, revaluing their culture and keeping their ancestral knowledge alive.

Participation of the Natural Heritage of Peru in RedLAC 2023
Natural Heritage of Peru is the first long-term conservation initiative. It seeks to contribute to the effective management of the Protected Natural Areas (ANP) of our country. It is a commitment led by the Peruvian State through the Ministry of the Environment and the National Service of Natural Areas Protected by the State (Sernanp).

Within the framework of its fourth anniversary, achievements were presented that have contributed to the effective management of 38 protected natural areas of the Peruvian Amazon and their financial sustainability. The importance of being key conservation spaces that provide ecosystem services to populations and are the habitat of thousands of species of flora and fauna, many of them endemic, is highlighted.

All of these advances are being made known to potential allies of the strategy: the leadership of SERNANP, progress to date, the challenges, and the next steps to follow at the RedLAC 2023 Congress.

More information about RedLAC 2023 and speakers: https://redlac.org/en/

© Ian Ortiz
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