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IMARPE and WWF Peru join efforts to work for the sustainability of the sea and its resources

The Peruvian Institute of the Sea (IMARPE) signed 3 specific agreements with WWF Peru to promote scientific research for the rational use of marine resources and the conservation of endangered marine species. These agreements focus on 3 main topics: ghost fishing, the use of electronic devices (LED lights), and the gathering and transfer of scientific information through traceability systems.
The first agreement has a duration of 3 years and seeks to analyze the problem of ghost fishing and its possible solutions. "Currently, we have begun with the situational diagnosis through interviews with artisanal fishers, as well as the characterization of the fishing gear used in different communities along the Peruvian coast, which could end up in the sea causing ghost fishing. Other actions carried out within the framework of this alliance are the identification of species caught by ghost fishing, as well as hotspots where ghost fishing gear accumulates, among others," said Shaleyla Kelez, leader of the Wildlife Program - WWF. "These are the first actions already implemented; however, the road is long, and only the joint work between researchers, the fishing community, the State, and the civil society can lead us to achieve the objectives to contribute to the health of our ocean", commented Wilbert Marín, specialist in artisanal fishing at Imarpe.
The second agreement focuses on the development of projects for the evaluation of devices to reduce the incidental capture of sea turtles and cetaceans, for a period of 2 years. To this end, pilot experiments have been developed in artisanal vessels, through the implementation of LED lights, which prevent sea turtles from becoming entangled, and pingers, an acoustic device that emits a sound so that dolphins or whales avoid the areas where fishing gear is located. Furthermore, interviews are being completed to provide information on the perspective of artisanal fishers on the use of these devices for future implementation. "It is important to consider the processes of awareness on the usage and benefits of friendly technology in fishing operations, in order to achieve the participation of fishers," said Julio Alarcón, Imarpe's fishing gear specialist.
Finally, the third agreement has a 2-year duration and focuses on the transfer of biological and fishing information from WWF Peru to IMARPE, based on data recorded in the fishing operations of artisanal vessels dedicated to the extraction of the hydrobiological resources: jumbo squid and mahi mahi. Those are two most important artisanal fisheries in the country. To this end, an application called TrazApp has been implemented and it will allow the transfer of information to strengthen research in these fisheries.
"Through these agreements, we articulate with State research institutions to focus our work on the sustainability of the sea and the protection of marine species, hand in hand with artisanal fishers. This way, we generate information that allows organizations and the State to make decisions and generate actions based on scientific evidence" Evelyn Luna Victoria, Oceans Manager. Together it's Possible!

IMARPE and WWF Peru join forces to work for the sustainability of the sea and its resources

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