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More than 1,500 awarenessed fishermen have infrastructure to manage their operations waste: "Zero Waste" Project

  • In six months of the project, 250 boats registered the return of almost 6 tons of waste generated in tasks and fishing activities in the DPA El Faro from Matarani. This has prevented the waste from reaching and contaminating the Peruvian sea.

"Zero Waste" is an initiative created by WWF Peru since 2021, focused on the management of inorganic waste, which is generated during fishing operations and in the Artisanal Fishing Landings (DPA), and which have an impact detrimental to marine life when not managed correctly. 46% of the waste on Peruvian beaches is plastic*.
Since 2022, and thanks to the financing provided by the Swiss Development Cooperation to continue the work in the DPA El Faro in Matarani - Arequipa, the first community where the project was implemented, efforts are also focused on the possible use of hydrobiological residues.

In April, WWF Peru organized the workshop "Strengthening waste management in El Faro", to present the progress and results, and collect comments and suggestions from the attendees. Among them, skippers and boat owners, members of fishing organizations such as the Islay Matarani Artisanal Fishermen and Seafood Extractors Union (SPAEMIM) and the Association of Artisanal Curtain Net Fishermen and Altureros El Faro Matarani Association (APARCARFM), as well as as workers of the DPA "El Faro" of Matarani.

On the other hand, meetings were held with key actors from the public and private sectors for waste management in the DPA El Faro, such as the Islay Municipality, the Regional Government, the Mollendo Captaincy, among others. As a result, the actors showed a good actitude to implement joint actions and aim at the sustainability of the project.


It was expected that, by the end of the project, the number of boats that return their waste would be 120, however, the involvement of 250 has already been achieved, exceeding the number of boats at the beginning of the project by 150%.

380 boats have been made aware of the importance of returning their waste, integrating almost all the boats that work in the DPA El Faro. This represents a total of 1,520 people, including fishermen and crew, who are constantly sensitized about marine pollution and waste management, strengthening their long-term commitment.

Also at least 700 kilos of plastic and 500 liters of used oil are used or segregated for recycling. We can say:
  • So far, the Matarani Recyclers Association has collected 811 kilos only of plastic bottles for later use.
  • It has prevented that 400 liters of used motor oil from entering the sea and being disposed incorrectly.

"Since the beginning of the project, a great commitment and active collaboration was observed on the part of the fishermen and administrative staff of the DPA El Faro, the infrastructure has been improved and materials, training and tools have been provided that were well received and used by local actors, facilitating them the segregation and collection of waste during their fishing operations and in the DPA”, explained Julia Maturrano, Associate Officer of  WWF Peru Marine Program.

Finally, the actors involved in the project commented that they will meet with key allies at the national and regional level to address the issue of the final disposal of oily waste and the recycling of hydrobiological waste, among other actions to contribute to the segregation and use of usable waste.

(*) Source: Ministry of the Environment (MINAM), 2022.

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