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Laguna Azul: Peruvians innovate for the conservation, recovery and sustainable use of the landscape beauty

Approximately 390,000 hectares of forest and the quality of life of the people will benefit from the strengthening of the Mechanisms for the Remuneration of Ecosystem Services (MERESE) in the San Martin region.

Crossing the Huallaga River is one of the most important tourist attractions in the San Martin region: the Blue Lagoon. Characterized for being an ecosystem of wide biodiversity, scenic beauty and a driving force for the local economy, this body of water is today a motive for discussion about its conservation alternatives among decision-makers, researchers, businessmen, tourism service providers, civil society, etc.

Peru is one of the countries with the highest probability of water scarcity by 2050 due to climate change and unsustainable use of natural resources, according to WWF for the Global Water Stewardship. Thus, water quality and economic activities are also at risk. It is in this context that, in Sint Maarten, tourism is an ally for raising awareness, attracting economic resources and teamwork between different actors.

Many Amazonian legends have been inspired by the beauty of this lagoon, as well as by its water and biological richness. Currently, the proper management of the resources or benefits provided by fresh water to its population, such as food supply, recreation and tourism, carbon storage, among others, is key to the sustainability and life of the population of today and the next generations.

For this reason, the Blue Lagoon, also known as Sauce Lagoon, is being the scenario on which the Mechanism of Remuneration for Ecosystem Services (MERESE) will be implemented in the thematic of Landscape Beauty. In other words, public, private and cooperation resources framed in agreements to develop actions in favor of its conservation and recovery. WWF Peru has been strengthening processes and methodologies for sustainable management and protection of freshwater by providing support to the institutions in charge of protecting this lagoon and different ecosystem services.