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Our Work
© WWF Perú

Nature gives us everything we need, from the air we breathe to the water we drink. However, we are losing it, at an accelerated and unprecedented rate.


Today we use more than 25% of the resources that our planet can provide us. For this reason, thousands of species, ecosystems and humanity as such are in danger. To address this serious problem, WWF has defined 2 major work goals at a global level: the conservation of priority places and species and the reduction of the ecological footprint (that is, the impact of people on nature). To achieve this, it has organized its efforts into global initiatives that strategically encompass most of the above priorities.


Did you know?

WWF's vision is to build an equitable and sustainable future, in which both people and nature thrive.

© Daniel Martinez - WWF Perú

In Peru

In response to a constantly changing environment and a growing demand for natural resources, WWF Peru developed an approach based on an exhaustive technical analysis, with a global and integrated vision. To do this, it has organized its work into 5 programs: Fresh Water, Wildlife, Oceans, Forests and Climate and Energy. Due to Peru's high vulnerability to climate change, adaptation and mitigation strategies have been transversally incorporated into its portfolio.

Likewise, various species have been prioritized within priority landscapes and strategies such as the pink dolphin (Inia geoffrensis), the andean tapir (Tapirus pinchaque) and the jaguar (Panthera onca). At the marine level, although the focus is directed to fisheries, bycatch is also addressed as a practice that affects turtles, sharks and other marine fauna. Do you want to be part of our team?

"Nothing in the world of conservation can be achieved without passion"

© Jaime Rojo / WWF-UK