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Festimar 2019: Fishing communities from 8 regions of Peru committed to the conservation of the sea.
Between September and October, Festimar visited 12 fishing communities promoting the protection of the marine ecosystem through environmental education.
- Between September and October, Festimar visited 12 fishing communities promoting the protection of the marine ecosystem through environmental education.
It is essential to maintain healthy oceans to ensure the life of marine ecosystems, human health and climate balance. All of us are responsible for keeping our oceans healthy, however, some of our actions generate negative impacts on the ecosystem. For example, the use of various materials such as plastic damage the environment because they end up submerged in the ocean. It is estimated that around 80% of plastic waste that reaches the ocean comes form the communities, while the remaining 20% comes from fishing activities. Other problems are overfishing, non-responsible tourism, bycatch, among others.
Festimar: The festival for the conservation of the sea and its species.
Since 2016, WWF Peru with the Multisectoral Commission for Environmental Management of the Coastal Marine Environment (COMUMA), in cooperation with other local institutions, annually organize Festimar: Festival for the conservation of the sea and its species.
This great festival takes place at coastal communities around Peru and children are the main participants, they gather every year to learn how their actions can generate a change to stop the pollution of the oceans. Festimar aims to promote the conservation of the coastal marine ecosystem and its biodiversit, generating awareness and behavioral changes that contribute to the protection of nature in coastal communities.
The 3 main topics of Festimar are: protected marine species, responsible consumption and responsible fishing and marine pollution. These topics are approached in a playful way, inviting children and their families to participate in games where they receive useful and entertaining information that they can incorporate in their lives.
“Festimar is a space for family recreation, and above all, for learning and being aware of our actions. If we do not change certain daily practices, the ocean will soon cease to be as we know it, affecting future generations”, said Julia Maturrano, WWF Peru Festimar Coordinator.
The fourth edition of the Festimar was celebrated this year. On this occasion, 12 fishing communities were visited in 8 regions of the country and about 2,000 attendees participated. This edition was co-organized by MINAM, PRODUCE, Ciudades Sostenibles and WWF. It also had the commitment of 39 institutions, including organizations, goverment institutions, private sector and volunteers. Some companies that were part of Festimar were Metro, Wong, and companies within the fishing sector such as CFG-Copeinca, Exalmar, Austral and Tasa.
In order to invite more people to participate in the Festimar and be able to replicate it in other locations, WWF developed a guide of this activity that can be downloaded here.

© Paola Balarin/ WWF-Perú

© Paola Balarin/ WWF-Perú

© Paola Balarin/ WWF-Perú

© Paola Balarin/ WWF-Perú

© Paola Balarin/ WWF-Perú