10+ years in the Abanico del Pastaza

Nature, cultures and challenges in the northern Peruvian Amazon
The Abanico del Pastaza in Loreto is the largest Ramsar site (wetland of international importance) in the Peruvian Amazon. It is home to about 300 fish species and food source for dozens of Achuar, Kandozi, Quechua, Cocama Cocamilla and Urarina indigenous communities However, for decades, pollution from poorly implemented oil operations, pressure from activities such as illegal logging and poaching, and overfishing had put these wetlands and their inhabitans at serious risk.
WWF began working with the local population in 1999, driving the designation of this complex as a Ramsar site, a wetland of internacional importance for conservation, finally achieved in 2002. Shortly after, WWF focused its efforts towards recovering the aquatic ecosystems and improving the local livelihoods through sustainable fishing and capacity building, within the framework of a long term vision that aims to maintain the unique wetland landscape, as an intact and functional ecosystem that harbors economically importan flora and fauna of the region, and that provides resources to the indigenous communities that have depended upon Pastaza during hundreds of years.
Download the new materials and learn more about Pastaza.
WWF began working with the local population in 1999, driving the designation of this complex as a Ramsar site, a wetland of internacional importance for conservation, finally achieved in 2002. Shortly after, WWF focused its efforts towards recovering the aquatic ecosystems and improving the local livelihoods through sustainable fishing and capacity building, within the framework of a long term vision that aims to maintain the unique wetland landscape, as an intact and functional ecosystem that harbors economically importan flora and fauna of the region, and that provides resources to the indigenous communities that have depended upon Pastaza during hundreds of years.
Download the new materials and learn more about Pastaza.

10+ years in the Abanico del Pastaza