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Terrestrial biodiversity conservation
© Diego Pérez / WWF Peru

The Amazon makes up the largest proportion of forests in Peru, positioning as the second most extensive forested area in South America, home to keystone species for the region such as the largest feline (jaguar), the only species of bear (spectacled bear), and the smallest species of tapir (mountain tapir).

What is the issue? 

Continuous changes in land use, which turn forested areas into areas of anthropic use, are leaving less scope and home availability for mammal species that require large areas of land for their survival, such as the jaguar and the Andean bear. In the same way, poaching and illegal wildlife trade impact on the distribution and permanence in time of biodiversity, which has as a consequence the loss of ecological functions that wildlife provides, such as the regeneration of forests or the regulation of trophic chains.

As human populations continue to grow, extending activities such as agriculture and/or livestock towards natural ecosystems, interactions with wildlife are more frequent. These lead to conflicts due to competition for resources, such as the consumption of crops or the predation of livestock, as well as the fear to risk a chance of encountering during the development of their day-to-day activities.

What is WWF doing?

Building a future in which humans live in harmony with nature, promoting the conservation of prioritized species such as the jaguar, Andean bear and mountain tapir, by studying their populations, and mitigating their threats.

How do we do this?

WWF-Peru uses innovative technologies to monitor the jaguar, the Andean bear, and the mountain tapir, which allow us to know the possible changes in their conservation status over time, mainly related to the effects of human interventions on their survival. To do this, camera traps are used, which are non-invasive devices that record the occurrence of different species through photographs and videos, allowing simultaneous information to be obtained for long periods. It also helps to focus on the mitigation and reduction of those threats that put at risk the coexistence in the relationship between large carnivores, such as the jaguar and human beings, understanding the dimension and scope of the conflict in order to formulate strategies that promote sustainable and friendly practices for its conservation.

Who do we work with?

WWF works hand in hand with other NGOs committed to the conservation of these species, such as Nature & Culture  International. We also provide support to government institutions such as SERNANP, MINAM, and SERFOR, aligning efforts to the priorities established on the Conservation Plans and management documents for the protection of these species.

© WWF-Peru
What are the big wins?

  1. In 2017, WWF-Peru, in alliance with SERNANP, prepared the "Andean Bear and Mountain Tapir Monitoring Design'' handbook in order to share the experience of monitoring these species for more than 4 years in the Tabaconas Namballe National Sanctuary. In addition, we provided the technical considerations required to develop the monitoring protocols for both species as part of the effective management of the protected area.
  2. In 2018, WWF together with other major non-governmental and intergovernmental organizations, as well as 14 of the 18 countries in the jaguar's distribution range, adopted the Jaguar Plan 2030 to define the roadmap to achieve the conservation of this feline through regional cooperation. From there, in 2020, WWF developed its “Regional Strategy for the Conservation of the Jaguar”, contributing to this operation and seeking to guarantee the conservation of its population and its prey in 15 priority landscapes in 14 countries, in which WWF is currently carrying out conservation efforts for the jaguar, as well as the availability and connectivity of its habitats.
  3. WWF-Peru, together with WWF-Colombia and WWF-Ecuador, carried out in 2020 the first jaguars’ population study in the tri-national Napo-Putumayo corridor through the use of camera traps, estimating approximately 2000 individuals and highlighting the importance of conserved areas with sustainable management.

Which are the next steps?

  • There will be assessments on the human-jaguar conflict in areas where there are interactions that harm both the security and economy of local populations, as well as the conservation of this feline.
  • Camera traps will continue to monitor the jaguar, Andean bear, and mountain tapir to analyze their population trends.
  • WWF will support the development of the Jaguar National Conservation Plan, led by SERFOR.