Catastrophic 73% decline in the average size of wildlife populations in just 50 years - WWF’s Living Planet Report
Steepest declines in monitored wildlife populations recorded in Latin America and the Caribbean ...
Amazon in flames: Forest fires reach alarming levels, surpassing previous emergencies
The Peruvian Amazon is facing its worst dry season in years, with thousands of forest hectares and ...
Indigenous handicrafts create spaces for women's empowerment, revaluing their culture and conserving forests
Indigenous handicrafts are more than beautiful pieces; they are the expression of a culture's ...
Kirsten Schuijt, General Director of WWF International visited Peru
Peru, one of the most biodiverse countries on the planet, received the visit from Kirsten Shuijt, ...
Farmers teaching farmers
Fernando and Luciano's compromise is transforming cattle ranching in Peru and creating a lasting ...
Launch of the Leaders Group of the National Action Platform on Plastics of Peru (NPAP Peru)
The National Action Platform on Plastics of Peru (NPAP PERU) is a multi-actor collaborative action ...
Educational materials on ecological connectivity
AFIMAD: The story of a venture and the self-sustainability of indigenous peoples in Madre de Dios
This enterprise is a clear example of how the ancestral economic activities of indigenous peoples ...
Technology and recycling, nets collected by artisanal fishers in the north are transformed into plastic wood
RedCicla is an initiative that seeks to contribute to the environmental conservation of the sea, ...
First meeting of actors of the Action Platform for Plastics of Peru "NPAP Perú"
Peru will lead the national action platform for plastics, working actively and collaboratively with ...