Paris: WWF PERU participated in the 2nd negotiation meeting on the Global Treaty against Plastic Pollution

Posted on 13 December 2023
Plastic is choking our rivers and oceans, killing species, and polluting our food, air, and water. And the problem is only getting worse. The mass of all manufactured plastics is now twice the mass of all land and marine animals combined. 
The second session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-2) initiated discussions on what states must do to end plastic pollution and the means of implementation that should and could enable realistic commitments to be achieved, which should continue to be the focus of the Committee for both its remaining sessions and the intersessional period.
WWF Peru, through Nadia Balducci, Clean Ocean specialist, was present in Paris accompanying the Plastic Policy team to ensure compliance with the objectives proposed for this session and promoting our recommendations.
"The Peruvian government has played a leading role throughout the process towards a legally binding global agreement to end plastic pollution. Peru proposed the draft resolution along with Rwanda and other countries that led to Resolution 5/14 accepted unanimously in 2022 at the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-5.2) and is now chairing the Bureau during the first three negotiating sessions," explained the specialist. 
In Paris, after intense sessions, countries agreed to advance substantive talks by organizing contact groups to discuss control measures and implementation of the future Global Plastics Agreement. In addition, it was agreed to use these inputs for the development of the first draft of the agreement, which will continue to be fed into intersessional consultative events and discussed at INC-3 in Nairobi.
Highlights of INC-2:
  • Discussions on control and implementation measures were initiated in two contact groups.
  • The chair was given a mandate to prepare the first draft of the agreement with the support of UNEP, which will be fed with inputs during the inter-sessional period.
  • The following venues were defined: INC-3 πŸ‡°πŸ‡ͺ INC-4 πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ INC-5 πŸ‡°πŸ‡·
  • The side event "Sustainable production and consumption" was successfully held, with the participation of the Vice Minister of MINAM Peru, Ms. Giuliana Becerra. 
Video of the event: https:
WWF Peru, L.O.O.P., and SPDA, four representatives of Peruvian civil society present at INC-2, sent a statement and contributions to the negotiation process of the treaty on plastic pollution, including the marine area. Recognizing the urgent and priority need to address the problem of plastic pollution for the sake of ecosystems, biodiversity, human health as well as environmental human rights, throughout its life cycle. The efforts of these and other Peruvian movements demonstrate that Peru has experiences that can expedite the coordination and awareness of the Peruvian population to advance additional legislative measures that may arise as a result of the plastics treaty.
"By 2024, we are expected to have a treaty that addresses the entire life cycle of plastics and puts forward control measures to eliminate, reduce, circulate, and safely and efficiently manage plastics, including intentionally added microplastics and fishing gear left in the marine ecosystem," said Nadia Balducci.
The task now is to agree on what measures will be included in the treaty, with the hope that negotiators will finalize the treaty text by the end of 2024. To end the plastics crisis, the treaty must introduce comprehensive and binding rules across the entire plastics life cycle.