
La pesca de anchoveta peruana (Engraulis ringens), representa el 10 % de la pesca mundial anual, por lo que la sostenibilidad de esta actividad es crítica para mantener el equilibrio del ecosistema del Pacífico oriental.
The Peruvian ocean combines the best of two natural worlds: the biodiversity of the northern tropical ocean and the unusual productivity of the central and southern cold ocean. Despite its tropical latitude, the Peruvian marine current is made up of cold waters (13 °C – 17 °C) full of plankton produced by coastal upwelling (i.e. when cold waters and nutrients rise to the surface from the seabed), that sustain the largest fishing productivity worldwide. This is reflected through the presence of the largest seabird colonies in the world – with historic populations that reach nearly 20 million –, as well as in the exports of over US$
1500 million per year in fishmeal and fish oil
. The northern coast is quite different. The tropical current has temperatures that surpass the 20 degrees required for the existence of completely different species and ecosystems, such as mangroves, whose southern distribution limit in the Eastern Pacific is here.

Whether working directly with fishermen, authorities or companies, WWF Peru fosters marine biodiversity conservation initiatives, such as efficient management of marine protected areas,
as well as best spatial planning practices for infrastructure activities within the coast. Moreover, the WWF marine program promotes the sustainability and transparency of industrial fishing, including that of anchoveta (Engraulis ringens), mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus), and
other key fisheries through a market transformation approach that prompts responsibility in extractive and productive activities.

Key facts:

Despite the tropical location of Peru, the Peruvian or Humboldt current contains cold waters that give way to the largest fishing productivity in the world.

The north coast (off Piura), is the transition point between the Peruvian and tropical current that comes from the north, which temperatures above 20 degrees provide the conditions for the existence of other species and ecosystems such as mangroves.
Dolphins and sea turtles are key conservation species prioritized by WWF, which is why WWF Peru centers its efforts in reducing their bycatch during artisanal fishing.

WWF Peru promotes the sustainable management of the anchoveta (Engraulis ringens), one of the main natural and economic resources in Peru and the Pacific, for being a key part of the marine food chain.

© WWF Perú
© WWF Perú