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© Ignacio Gonzales Vigil

8 out of 10 Peruvians live in cities where 70% of CO2 emissions are globally generated.

What is the issue? 

8 out of 10 Peruvians live in cities where 70% of CO2 emissions are globally generated.

What is WWF doing?

WWF-Peru has three lines of action that articulate the work with local governments: the platform MiCiudad, the GEF project "Support for the National Platform for Sustainable Cities and Climate Change in Lima" and the WWF Cities Challenge (or OPCC in English).

How do we do this?

The platform MiCiudad was created by WWF Peru in Alliance with Periferia and AMPE. This platform promotes the construction of livable, sustainable and resilient cities in Peru, articulating with decision makers, civil society and academia.

It works in three lines of action:

  • Urban data: research about the urban situation.
  • Urban solutions: dissemination of good practices and initiatives for sustainable urban management.
  • Projects of shared value: Bringing together academia, the public sector, civil society and local governments,
The Project "Support for the National Platform for Sustainable Cities and Climate Change in Lima" develops studies associated with issues of climate change, risks, coastal adaptation, water management, biodiversity, among others. This project carries out a pilot in the city of Lima, financed by from the Global Environment Fund (GEF) and hand in hand with MINAM and IDB.

Finally, the WWF Cities Challenge collaborates with municipalities at the national level promoting climate management through its participation in a biannual competition where local governments are invited to report their climate action plans, receiving feedback through the evaluation of its strategies and actions to fulfill the Paris Agreement.



Who do we work with?

The different projects aimed for local goverments are worked hand in hand with the provincial and district municipalities, as well as central government institutions such as the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation, SERFOR; civil society institutions, GEF and IDB; the academy and civil society. In the case of MiCiudad, the main partner is Periferia.

© WWF-Perú
What are the big wins?

  • WWF and Periferia published the reports of urban indicators "Cities of Peru: First National Report of Urban Indicators 2018" and "Amazonian Cities of Peru: Second Report of Urban Indicators 2019". Also, WWF and Periferia published the“ Urban Environmental Management Participation Guide: We all make sustainable cities ”and the report “Natural Infrastructure and Nature-Based Solutions for Adaptation to Climate Change: Inspiring Practices in Cities of Peru, Chile and Argentina".
  • The project “Support for the National Platform for Sustainable Cities and Climate Change in Lima” maintains the work on 5 components to succed in various topics, such as a climate analysis of risks and urban development, studies on the availability of water resources, ecosystem services and urban biodiversity and strategic actions for multimodal accessibility and transport-oriented development
  • Since the first year of the implementation of the OPCC in Peru in 2015, WWF has been working hand in hand with local governments, having 11 district and provincial municipalities participating in the 2019-2020 edition.

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