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Sustainable Fisheries
© YawarFilms / WWF

Peruvian sea is one of the most productive worldwide; many activities that create jobs for hundreds of coastal communities and industries depend on it. However, in recent years they have faced several threats that put them at risk.

What is the issue? 

Overfishing, as well as Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (better known as IUU) are some of the main obstacles that fisheries in Peru face to become sustainable. Other species of the ecosystem are also at risk due to incidental capture that must be prevented in order to preserve the health of the marine environment. Nowadays, international markets are increasingly aware and require that fishery products come from sustainable certificated fisheries that ensure the health of the fish and their ecosystem, the existence of adequate fisheries management, and the traceability that guarantees the legal origin of the resource. Failure to meet these international demands can lead to significant socioeconomic repercussions for our fisheries, including the possibility of closing some international markets to our products.

What is WWF doing?

Peru seeks to contribute to a more sustainable and transparent fishery sector, involving all stakeholders.

How do we do this?

WWF-Peru develops projects whose objectives are oriented to improve the fishery until it reaches its sustainability. For this reason, we are coordinating the fishing improvement projects or FIPs of the jumbo squid and mahi mahi fishery, which are the most important in the artisanal sector. We collaborate with the extractive and processing sector to improve fishery monitoring, implement good fishing practices and propose better regulations. Since 2013 we have been working on the mahi mahi FIP, and since 2018 on the jumbo squid FIP.
In the same way, we have developed a digital system that allows us to trace the route of a product from its straction  to the final consumer in order to ensure its traceability, called TrazApp. This system is currently being implemented at a pilot level, which will allow the parties involved to be brought together, strengthening the generation, exchange, and transfer of essential information for fishing traceability, contributing to the sustainability and transparency of artisanal fishing sector. These efforts began as a result of the new demands in international markets.

Who do we work with?

We work with different groups of fishers along the Peruvian coast, the main industrial associations and associated companies, and the key authorities for management and research, both nationally and regionally.

© WWF Perú

1. TrazApp is being used by more than 200 shipowners and 300 vessels; in almost 2 years they have registered 4,000 fishing trips and more than 40 thousand tons.

2. WWF has signed collaboration agreements with the main institutions responsible for the management and research of the fishing sector such as non-profit organizations like  Future of Fish, authorities such as PRODUCE, SANIPES, DICAPI, Regional Governments, and the private sector with whom they have been collaborating to improve the sustainability of the sector.

3. The collaboration of 8 processing and exporting companies have been consolidated in the parakeet FIP through the alliance “Peru Mahi Alliance”, which represents almost 80% of the exports to the United States of America, the main international market. The companies have been implementing activities within an annual action plan, such as training programs on good fishing practices.

4. “Departure certificates” generated by the DICAPI have been integrated into the TrazApp so that they can be requested virtually and issued digitally, facilitating the procedures for artisanal fishers.

Download TrazApp mobile application system. Spread the word to the Fishing Cooperatives, Landings, Merchants in your region so that they know the System.