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Climate and Energy

Climate change: the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced.

© Jorge Luis Barreto

Climate change affects the entire planet: from the poles to the tropics. From the mountains to the oceans. People and nature are already feeling the effects of these variations accumulated over decades: water sources are shrinking, extreme weather events have increased, forests are burning and coral reefs are disappearing.

Since the industrial revolution, human actions have caused the average temperature of the planet to rise by almost 1ºC. Today, levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are higher than at any other time in human history. However, an increase of 1.5 would have catastrophic effects that would cause incalculable economic and social losses. This situation could happen in a short period of time, confronting future generations with life on a devastated planet.

Did you know that...

cities generate 70% of carbon emissions and consume 75% of energy globally?

© Christian Yupanqui
What is WWF doing?

Confronting climate change involves us all. WWF is at the heart of the global movement promoting a low-carbon, climate-resilient future.


As individuals, there are many things we can change to help reduce the rate of warming and emissions. 

We can all implement actions that positively impact the planet: by being more energy efficient, choosing renewable energy, using alternative transportation, opting for a sustainable diet, recycling, reducing and reusing, and making smart policy decisions.

Let's act now: it’s time to concentrate our efforts to replace fossil fuels with renewable energies.

© WWF Perú