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Empowering coastal communities
© Yawar - WWF Perú

The ocean face a number of challenges that threaten their sustainability and put at risk both marine life and the habitats and services they provide, such as illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing, bycatch of protected species, overfishing, ghost gear, and pollution, among others.

We seek to empower coastal communities as agents of change that actively promote the conservation of the sea and its species through environmental education from daily actions in their lives and the involvement of projects.

Formal education:  "Marine Immersion: Schools by the Sea", a virtual course, is currently being developed, which purpose is to strengthen the knowledge and capacities of teachers in marine problems, promoting their inclusion in schools through environmental projects. These projects will be developed from the identification of local problems so that the students get involved and feel part of the solution, forming environmentally responsible citizens.

Non-formal: Since 2016, the Festimar: Festival for the conservation of the sea and its species, has been developed with the support of local municipalities and the Multisectoral Commission for Environmental Management of the Coastal Marine Environment (COMUMA), in which more than 40 institutions participate. This is an event in which, from a playful experience, both boys and girls from coastal communities and their families learn to conserve protected marine species, avoid marine pollution and practice fishing and responsible consumption.

© WWF Perú
On governance

We contribute generating mechanisms, processes, and spaces to facilitate articulation and discussion in decision-making in the fishing sector, promoting:

Effective participation and search for consensus: through the Forum for Fisheries and Aquaculture (FPAS) we gather representatives of the artisanal fisheries, industries, academic sectors, officials, among others and, through horizontal dialogue, they debate and learn about various issues of relevance to fishing in the country.

Building capacities to prevent and address conflicts: Through a manual and a virtual course aimed at public officials of the artisanal fishing sector where they learn tools to address and prevent socio-environmental conflicts.

Equity promotion: Our projects will seek, progressively, to achieve equity among participants and will promote the equal involvement of men and women who work in the fishing sector.


1. Between 2016 and 2019, Festimar reached 22 coastal communities along the Peruvian coast, with the participation of more than 50 organizations. At least 5,000 people were reached, including children and adults. 
2. The Festimar Manual of Replication was made and delivered with the support of the participating organizations. In 2019, this allowed that 3 organizations other than WWF led the realization of the event (MINAM, PRODUCE and Ciudad Saludable).
3. In 2020, the virtual course "Marine Inmersion: Schools by the Sea" is  launched.
4. Between 2016 and 2020, 54 meetings of the Forum for Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture have been held with the participation of different actors from the sector, central and regional government entities, fishers, companies, civil society institutions, academy, among others.
5. In 2020, the Toolkit for Conflict Management in the fishing sector was published.
6. An Alliance with FiTI has been established in order to promote a transparency standard in the sector.