Madre de Dios: 11 thousand hectares of private lands implement regenerative livestock farming

Posted on 13 November 2023
In 2022, more than 144 thousand hectares were deforested in our country, an area equal to the Puno region, according to the MAAP Deforestation Report in 2022. Two of the main causes are livestock and traditional agriculture. However, these practices can be done in a sustainable way if we apply changes such as the efficient use of space, living fences, bio inputs, among other activities that also contribute to the conservation of the forest.
“It is clear that economic activities are not going to stop, but the way they are developed must change. 4 years ago, the Alliance for Regenerative Livestock in the Peruvian Amazon (AGRAP) was founded. Currently, 250 families have improved their life quality and now they promote the regeneration of the forest and the health of livestock with an environmentally friendly methodology at the same time” explains Karina Salas, Forest Officer of WWF Peru.
The results are encouraging, 11 thousand hectares of private properties now implement regenerative livestock farming. This methodology has been taught to 400 ranchers in the field schools developed by WWF Peru. Also, bioinputs, rotational and silvopastoral systems are beginning to be taught from rancher to rancher. Another important achievement is the extension of this methodology to Oxapampa; 15 producers have joined the change, expanding the methodology.
An idea that began by teaching how to make low-cost bioinputs has become a tool to reduce forest deforestation on private lands. Also, now Madre de Dios have new leaders with high technical knowledge, building strong capacities of the livestock associations and continuing the advocacy to strengthen their activities as a sector.
“I feel happy every time I can share with people who want to listen. I'm trying to quit the traditional idea of ​​ranching. If we could change everyone it would be ideal to achieve radical change and stop deforestation. Many ranchers still do not believe, but when the dry season arrives they realize that it works and I see how little by little they begin to implement regenerative livestock farming practices,” says Luciano Cardozo, a field school student who today shares his experience with other ranchers in different regions of Peru.
The main courses for this period in the field schools were: leadership, empowerment, public speaking, assertive communication, associativity and cooperativism. Those were applied by the ranchers in the Tropical Livestock Farming Seminary and the Expoamazónica Agriculture and Livestock Farming forum, spaces where ranchers told their experiences and inspired others to use this methodology, with women and young people being the main protagonists.
The future of the regenerative livestock farming in Peru
“The process continues, we expect to apply cooperativism and associativity with a local network that could make it possible to find the necessary inputs to apply regenerative livestock farming in an easy and timely manner. The supply chain is improved and at the same time ranchers have more chances to offer their inputs,” Karina added.
Although the economic and environmental benefit is visible, the most significant change is the change in rancher's mindset. They have become an example to follow by developing sustainable habits such as not burning garbage or soils intended for agriculture, they understand the relationship between climate change with traditional activities and see the value of the forest, they are so empowered that they will soon begin reforestation campaigns.